
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Supreme Court of the United states

    The Supreme court Came to be in 1798 under article 3 of the constitution. It is the highest level of the federal court in the US and is the leader of the judicial system. At first the court started off with six justices but has now increased the number to nine justices and they hold a significant amount of power. The one on top of the other Justices is the Chief Justice. They preside over the court and dictate the directions of their meetings. The Supreme court are responsible for not only monitoring all laws of the US but to also step in if needed and keep both the executive branch of the president and the legislative branch of Congress. all of these responsibilities make the court one of the most powerful systems in the US.      Now After reading these things from the article "Supreme Court" by Editors , and watching the videos. I feel it has given me much better grasp and some answers to questions. Firstly I learnt about just how powerful the Supreme Court

Top 5 sources for information

       1. My number one source of information is YouTube. You tube is under google, and is a very popular video watching platform. Not only can you find content for the sake of entertainment, but also many channels for education and news. I have personally made use of many education channels for topics such as math, history, and even English literature classes. However, when it comes to news you tube is a virtual library of clips and stories. and because its is a video fact checking and looking into the people presenting becomes much easier because not only do you have a name but also a face to go along with it. I am aware of the pros and cons that come with you tube. Its biggest pro is that it is a website that traverses borders. Meaning i am able to witness news from far over seas. The con is that it is open to anyone to post anything. Including fake news and other forms of misinformation. However with some proper background checking its a problem that can be avoided.      2. Instagr