The Supreme Court of the United states

    The Supreme court Came to be in 1798 under article 3 of the constitution. It is the highest level of the federal court in the US and is the leader of the judicial system. At first the court started off with six justices but has now increased the number to nine justices and they hold a significant amount of power. The one on top of the other Justices is the Chief Justice. They preside over the court and dictate the directions of their meetings. The Supreme court are responsible for not only monitoring all laws of the US but to also step in if needed and keep both the executive branch of the president and the legislative branch of Congress. all of these responsibilities make the court one of the most powerful systems in the US. 

    Now After reading these things from the article "Supreme Court" by Editors, and watching the videos. I feel it has given me much better grasp and some answers to questions. Firstly I learnt about just how powerful the Supreme Court really is. I always had an understanding that they held a lot of power in the US, but I now know how much of an understatement that really is. For example they have the power to change a decision that was made by the other branches. The other branches of government like the president and the legislative branch of Congress both have to long debates over their decisions. However, the Supreme Court can take that carefully made action and over turn it all because the majority had a difference of opinion. And to farther that point the Chief Justice holds even more power. This single person is decided upon by the president and is also the one that holds the trial if the president was to face impeachment charges. Just these few things alone I learnt from the reading gave me a much deeper understanding of the depths of the power that come with the position of being a part of the Supreme Court. However I also learnt that this power is not held by omnipotent beings or the pinnacle of humanity. But rather the people in these positions are people that are also going through their own human experience to the best of their ability. As for the most surprising thing that  learned was the fact that the Justices are not able to bring up an issue that they have but rather they must wait for someone else to submit the topic and then they have to win a vote on if they will take up the issue. This was a surprise to me but at the same time after hearing it. Made a lot of sense to me. If this wasn't the case then it other than concerns that the justices have no other cases would be brought up. This would also make a lot of room for bias and corruption to find its way into the Supreme Court (more so then there already is in any branch of government).

    To bring things to a close. I find that my view of the Supreme Court has changed. What I thought was a council of individuals that sat above others and held great power because of seniority and experience. Was a council of people that were selected because of their work and their character. They have genuine concerns along with a lot of power. However they put that power to use by serving the people to the best of their ability.


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