Eight Values of Free Expression


The freedom of speech is held in the highest regard to the US. It allows expression, conversation, and the exchanging of ideas. And eventually philosophers have broken down this freedom into eight values.

               The first value being Market Place of Ideas. This value encourages debates and discussion. People being able to say completely polar opposite ideas but still be able to sit down at the same table and discuss their ideas. This is one value that I would love to see be implemented more so now. In today's cancel culture there are some topics that just feel like a taboo to discuss. I’m not one to mince my words when I want to discuss a topic, so I feel like this is a value that I strongly associate with my own personality.

               Participation in Self-Government is a value that has more political implications than anything else. It addresses that idea that the general public wouldn’t be able to make good choices in elections if left to their own devices on researching the running parties. So, this value encourages for candidates to speak on platforms that highlight the issues that they view as important and what they intend to do about them. As someone that isn’t to involve with politics, I can’t say I feel much attachment to this value, but I can see its importance. I do believe that if I am about to back someone to gain a position of great power its for the best that I know what beliefs and plans I’m backing when I cast my vote.

               Stable change is a value that by definition doesn’t really sit well with me. It looks at the general public as volatile and as if its human nature to turn to violence. However, it does encourage giving minorities a platform to voice their discontent and for the platform to act as a base for people to unite under and form their own groups. However, it’s done with the ulterior motive of dragging these minorities into the spotlight so that they can be monitored. I have been called a cynic before and I do think that in the end humans will do whatever if it means their own benefit. However, I also believe that we prioritize our own self-preservation. So yes, I do think its important to give people a platform and a voice so that they are being heard, but not in order to keep them under thumb. Rather for them to have a stage to voice their complaints in a way that they may be heard and for something to be done about them.

               Individual Self-Fulfillment is a huge value. It encourages people to have a sense of an identity that is unique to themselves. The importance of self-identifying is a huge matter in this day and age where people are facing internal conflicts about gender, sexual, racial, ethnic, and personal identities. Personally, I have always had a pretty strong sense of who I am, so this value strongly connects with me. Its important to have a sense of self-worth in order to then find your own sense of personal value.

               Check on Government Power is another value that holds much importance in our society. Having the ability to check the government’s actions is crucial when it comes to keeping a positive and trusting relationship between the people in power and the citizens. Just during the four-year term of Trump, we saw many acts of violence and racial discrimination that went unchecked by our president, and it’s because of this lack of actions that the current state of the relation between the government and its minors is in such a rough spot. And as a minority I can clearly see the importance of this value.

               Promote Tolerance is a value that on the surface may seem to be very strong in our current day society however I would argue the opposite. And I would point the blame of that towards Cancel Culture. For example, the comedian Dave Chappelle recently released his final Netflix special called The Closer. Dave Chappelle brand of comedy has always been known as brutally honest, but despite this honesty many of the people that find themselves as the butt of the joke are able to still find the humor in the joke. However, with Cancel Culture people are losing that ability to see their own flaws as flaws. Instead, they see the act of calling out a flaw as discrimination and that the people that do so must be stripped of their status and silenced. While some argue that this culture is promoting tolerance, I see it as promoting Mob Mentality. The idea that if your opinion differs to far then you have suddenly crossed a line. Cancel Culture doesn’t promote a conversation but rather a fear to speak out and have heated debates on certain topics.

               Promote Innovation is a value that defines America and our ever-growing age of technology. Allowing open discussion allows for the exchange of ideas and for new ones to be born. And as someone that deeply enjoys a heated debate that can lead to a discussion/battle of ideas I hold this value to a very high regard.

               Finally Protect Dissent is the last value. Personally, I enjoy playing devil’s advocate in some arguments. So, I can very easily side with the idea that it should be encouraged that people have an opinion that differs from the masses. It is an ability that has allowed many great man and women to stand against mob rulings and change history. If MLK didn’t speak against the majority we may have never gotten to where we are today with civil rights, and granted we are not in any shape or form perfect, but we have made undeniable progress.


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