Final Post


Technology in general has undeniably left an impact on all of our lives today. Whether it’s an impact from all of the new job opportunities that have been created, or to the loss of jobs and people ability to verbally communicate. Weather we admit it or not technology has become a part of our modern culture in so many aspects.


               Cyber bullying is something that has and is one of the scariest forms of abuse. People use the internet to hide while they attack people. Cyber Bullying unfortunately has only just jumped with social media. This has made a lot of people view social as a toxic place.

 Cyber bullying can consist of more than just insulting people on the internet. It can also be spreading lies about a person that could potentially harm their reputation them or the people around them. Another form of cyber bullying is impersonating someone and then doing acts that would reflect badly on them. These actions hurt more then just the target. They can turn the people closest to the victims into collateral making them victims as well. The biggest danger though of cyber bullying is that it can put people in a position where people may not be able to handle it and hurt themselves or worse.


               Suicide is a dark topic that most people try to avoid. However, it’s something that need stop be talked about more. Especially with the youths of recent generations. In 2017 suicide was known as the 10th most common occurrence of death in the US. However, when it came to suicide in the age range of 15-24 it was number 2 in the US. These numbers are horrifying, and one of the main problems beside financial situations are peoples growing environments. Social media and technology have become one of the most common ways for young people to communicate. So much so that it even impacts people’s social skills when they are in real life situations. It is estimated that a rough majority of communication happens not verbally but through physical tells. People move with more vigor when things are going good for them or if they have something urgent to deal with. Sometimes people slouch because of a lack of self-confidence. There are a million different body language cues that tell us about how the person In front of us is feeling, but because of the increase of time we spend on our phones with our heads down. Our ability to read these signs has plummeted. We’ve lost the personal touch that used to exist when communicating. We used to tell our friends and families about our experiences face to face or in handwritten letters. However now we just post about our experiences on social media. Where people stumble upon it like it the post, and at the most they may even comment or share it. But, by doing things in such a manner there is a major disconnect between the person that posted and the person that just liked it and then swiped onto the next thing on their reels.


               Now this era of social media is not an era of despair and evil alone. Like most things in life, they come with a little bit of good and a bit of bad. Social media has become a platform for people to connect and it has created a lot of positive change in our society. From becoming a tool for minorities to speak out to becoming another form of communication for me to contact my friends across the country. Social media is just one of the newest tools in the ever-expanding arsenal of tools that humans have created. And like most new things there is going to need to be an adjustment period. Now I can see that calling this a phase to some might seem like an understatement of our current situation. But I would gladly argue that out lives are better for the invention of this tool. And while yes it has caused some harm, we are still learning how to approach


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