Top 5 sources for information

     1. My number one source of information is YouTube. You tube is under google, and is a very popular video watching platform. Not only can you find content for the sake of entertainment, but also many channels for education and news. I have personally made use of many education channels for topics such as math, history, and even English literature classes. However, when it comes to news you tube is a virtual library of clips and stories. and because its is a video fact checking and looking into the people presenting becomes much easier because not only do you have a name but also a face to go along with it. I am aware of the pros and cons that come with you tube. Its biggest pro is that it is a website that traverses borders. Meaning i am able to witness news from far over seas. The con is that it is open to anyone to post anything. Including fake news and other forms of misinformation. However with some proper background checking its a problem that can be avoided.

    2. Instagram Is another great media outlet for news that I often use. With it I can not only create a a stream of content targeted to my way of thinking and to my interest, but I also have the ability to see what topics are either trending or have become the center of attention. Instagram has also become a very popular platform for businesses to post their works to. 

3. CNN is a major news outlet in the US. Covering news not only inside of the US borders but also talking about relations and some topics from other countries. Now I may question if CNN itself has some political bast that may make them report on certain topics from a bias perspective. 

4. Snap chat is fairly low on my list. While Snap chat is a good way to get news about celebrity events, and what my friends have been up to recently, one of its major flaws is that most of the news you get is heavily opinionated, and the algorithm for it focuses mainly on stuff that you usually watch so it would only give u whatever side of the argument that you stand on and not give you the apposing opinions.  

5. Tik Tok is my final source on this list. However there is a reason its so low. Tik Tok has a very large following and an even broader range of content creators. Many of who use the platform to spread news and or awareness of things that go on around them or in their country. Added to this the FYP (for you page) on the app you can build up a personalized news feed that's constantly updating. Now the cause of why its ranked last is that a lot of the people sharing news are sharing that news through their own biases. So a lot of the news is moved by peoples agendas so the news you get here requires a lot of checking.


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